Thursday, June 6, 2013


Born Craig Alton Kirkland, May 7th 1979 resides in Spanish Town Jamaica, known to many locally and internationally as Amaziyah The Great. Kirkland has been in the music business for a number of years now but as he journeyed along life's pathway he got involed with music video directing/editing, photography, graphic designing and the list could go on, he as always been a visual artist doing artwork in his community and back in the yesteryears of attending Dinthill Technical High School. He is also known as a filmmaker, recently awarded as 'Best Director' for a short film STAY FIRM at the Norther Caribbean University -Mandeville, 2010 he recieved 'Honour Award' at the Jamaica International Reggae Film Festival for making a 5mins film in 24 hours. We could write more in this note but lets focus on his music right now, very strong messages and something we all can listen to. I personally think every radio station across the universe should be playing his music, not because I know him very well but I am sure there are millions of you that will agree with my opinion that too much garbage is been played. What are we teaching our children? What are we teaching ourselves? WAKE UP WORLD AND SHOW YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT GOOD MUSIC! Big up to all artist and continue writing better songs. DOWNLOAD NOW! 1.Peculiar Look -AMAZIYAH THE GREAT 2. Lovin and Kind -AMAZIYAH THE GREAT 3. Naah Give Up -AMAZIYAH THE GREAT 4. Movin On -AMAZIYAH THE GREAT 5. Crime and Violence -AMAZIYAH THE GREAT 6. Ghetto -AMAZIYAH THE GREAT 7. Flossing -AMAZIYAH THE GREAT featuring MARK RAS & HECTOR FRASS 8.Our Time -AMAZIYAH THE GREAT, LYRICS, MARK RAS & HECTOR FRASS aka SMASHING 9. AMAZIYAH THE GREAT INTERVIEW WITH RICH DAVIS on Florida's #1 Station WLRN 91.3FM Like Amaziyah The Great Music page: Follow Amaziyah The Great: @preciselygreat E-mail: Pin: 2231245C Booking Contacts: 18768465917 or 18763916912 (JAM) +11447783749112 (UK)

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