Thursday, September 26, 2013


#CanadaUpdate! This year's P.E.A.B.O. Awards which is scheduled for November 24th 2013 in Cambridge, Ontario is seeming to be the one of biggest buzz everywhere on the streets. (P.E.A.B.O.) -Promoters | Entertainers | Athletes | Business Owners. Most recent reports are Amaziyah The Great is the only nominee that currently resides in Jamaica but is way ahead leading the polls in both "videographers and graphic designers" categories. WHO IS THIS MAN? Most people call him 'The Great' while some calls him 'MultiTalented' his birth name is Mr. Craig Kirkland... We have noticed that from Sunday September 15, 2013 when the voting process initiated he have never dropped out of the number one spot, in one of the polls of 127 votes he alone grabbed a whopping 88votes, when we questioned him how did he do it, he elaborated... "Well first an foremost give thanks for life, give thanks to the Almighty creator who has blessed me richly with multiple talents, give thanks to every fans and supporters who voted or keep me motivated. Everyday dem a go see something new dats how me keep grabbing dem attention so once there is life, there is hope." He recently did an inerview online with Mr. Momodou from Banjul, Gambia while some of us heard Ron Muschette from Jamaica's leading radio station IRIE FM congratulating this man. ATG was also feature in an online magazine so indeed this event is being mentioned all over. We will be quite overwhelmed to fill you with more information soon... If you haven't voted yet you may vote now here or Send email to: tell the for "videographers" you votin for Amaziyah The Great and for "graphic designers" you voting for G.A.M.E. Thanks (Share)

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